Scars: Old scars can result in entrapment of nerve endings.
Insomnia: Sleep deprivation and psychosocial stressors can worsen pain, affect your mood and impede healthy coping mechanisms for chronic pain.
Smoking: This puts the body into a chronic inflammatory state. Many pain transmitters are upregulated as a result of smoking. Smokers report significantly higher pain scores.
Height: Taller, larger patients have increased axial loads on the spine, as well as “load-bearing” joints such as hips and knees.
C-sections: Nerve entrapment in scars and adhesions (connective tissue scarring together in the abdominal-pelvic cavity) may cause pain. Patient positioning during surgery has also been implicated in low-back pain following C-sections.
UTIs: These can cause low-back pain acutely, especially with severe infections. The kidneys are located near the area on the lower back where the lower ribs meet the spine (the costovertebral angle).